Introduction to Pages

Pages are object oriented arrays that represent part of the web API. They're only on specific endpoints that do not have a finite limit like the past usernames of users, followers, etc. These are used similarly with OrderedDatastores if you've ever used those.

They have three methods and are resource-intensive (http-wise) if you're trying to spam go through all pages of an object.


This method returns an <array> that's the currently selected page.

pageObj:getCurrentPage() --> This method does not need a promise as it returns whatever page is already selected


This method returns an <array> that's the previous page selected.

If it reaches page 1, it will just keep returning that page instead of returning "nil".

pageObj:getPreviousPage() --> This method does not need a promise as it returns whatever page is already cached


This method returns a <promise> for proceeding to the next page. If there's no more pages, it will reject with "[No next page found]".


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