The client has a work-in-progress API that I've just begun creating, and here's the documentation for the existing functions.

To make a plugin for the client, simply insert a return function into a module and place the module in the 'Plugins' folder.

return function(api)
    --> client api :)


This method returns the Topbar+ button (docs here) used to open the settings menu.



For developers who want to create their own settings UI, they can use this method to access the values and change them accordingly'.

A boolean value setting would look like this:

    value = true,
    type = "boolean",
    changed = <signal> --> (:Connect)
    set = <function>


Call the :set() function with the boolean value to update it's state.


local setting = api:getSetting("UI","Resizable")
setting:set(false) --> disable resizable UI


This method displays a system message in the chat with the specified text.



If quick chat is enabled, you can pass a number from 1-20 to get the text in that specified quick chat slot.

api:getQuickChatSlot(1) --> nil/string


If quick chat is enabled, you can pass both a number and the text you want to save to the specified quick chat slot to be used later.

-- now saying /1 in chat will send 'hi'

Last updated